Photo credit: Rebekah
I haven't written in a long while. Well, that isn't quite accurate; I have written sundry papers and brief paragraphs of stilted prose for various assignments and classes, but I haven't let my true words flow. They have been dammed up inside me, locked in dark closets, stuffed under my bed with forgotten socks and old birthday cards. When inspiration kisses me I tend to be too lazy to chase her silken wings. I force out words to fill up prescribed pages, instead of making time to write for myself, for the words that clog up my arteries and sleep next to my heart. All that to say I haven't had time to freewrite - which is my absolute favorite way to write: just a pen and a paper and no hesitation or second guessing.
I was thinking about this sorely neglected blog and wondering what to write. Odd topics flitted across my tired brain. Nothing truly noble caught my fancy, however. Well, I have been listening to Switchfoot's new album, Vice Verses. Jon Foreman's lyrics have really been piercing me of late; his words are so eloquent and resonate within me. I love the line from the song, Restless, "I am the raindrop falling down always longing for the deeper ground..." The album is full of longing - for more than superficiality, for heaven, and for more than mere survival.
Photo credit: Rebekah
I feel that my life of late has been so day to day that I haven't stepped back and just
thought about anything. I just get so caught up in my routine... I'm sleep deprived, run ragged around the edges, a frayed and tattered remnant of myself. Yes, I am melodramatic too! This semester is beginning to really pick up momentum. I need to focus on the Lord more. It gets so easy to forget the most basic things! Which, strangely enough, are the most important... This line from "Thrive" (also from Vice Verses) sums up my present life perfectly "Feels like I travel but I never arrive, I want to thrive, not just survive..."
Photo credit: Rebekah |
(And, no, I don't usually have time to put much makeup on! But I can't omit it from my routine no matter how much sleep I didn't get...)
I love so many lines in this post: " for the words that clog up my arteries and sleep next to my heart." I mean, wow.
ReplyDeleteThose lyrics from Jon Foreman's album are truly inspiring. I'm going to need to look up that album now. :)
I'll end by remarking that the pictures are beautiful and I love the new blog design!
yes, i agree with kim, the new blog design is cute! I should make my blog more simply....but alas, I am drawn toward LOUD! color.....sigh.....
ReplyDeletewhere were you dressing up to go???
@Kimberly: Thank you so much! Your kind words inspire me. :) As does your lovely writing; I adore your blog! Yes, you should check it out; it is a terrific album and Jon Foreman is a superb lyricist, in my opinion.
ReplyDelete@Sarah: Thank you! Oh, I like your blog design! And I was dressing up to go to a luncheon that my teacher treated us to at the culinary school. It was five courses and totally delicious! Vietnamese food = awesomeness. :)
I remember that! How fun......
ReplyDeleteand I must say it sounds refreshing to hear your comment....I know that voice!....the one who talks in posts, is a bit fancy and 'prose'y.....hehehe.....don't worry about impressing us, we already know your awesome!!!